 Create a program to enter computer programming class,(University = Bahria, Department = BSE, Class = Programming).


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace cp_theory_task_paractise


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


                 string uni,depart,clas;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter your university");

            uni = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine().ToLower());

            if (uni=="bahria")


                Console.WriteLine("Enter your Department");

                depart = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());

                if (depart=="bse" || depart=="BSE")


                    Console.WriteLine("Enter your class");


                    if (clas=="programming")


                        Console.WriteLine("welcome to bse programming section");




                        Console.WriteLine("Only Programming section are allowed");





                    Console.WriteLine("only bse student allowed");





                Console.WriteLine("Other Istitute student is not allowed");






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